For Partnered Connection there’s so many methods you can do. From a somatic approach the below are a few to ignite the flame.

Sexual communication with massage, Partner Yoni and Lingam Massage, Partner OAP, Conscious Sensual Awareness Practice

Below we will cover the 5 Principles of Sexual Communication by Devi Ward Erickson.

  1. Why we communicate → Because this is a team sport, as in we want mutual pleasure. To attain that we need to be 100% committed. Working together for one common goal.

  2. What we communicate → The things we like and enjoy. The things that bring us closer to a 10 on a pleasure scale. “We” because both partners want to be considerate of each others and cognizant of their own 10 point on the pleasure scale. We bring awareness, intention and energy to what we do like. Positive speech.

  3. How we communicate → With warmth, love, kindness and compassion. Communicate by using please and thank you to show honor and respect. Be are honest, gentle and clear when communicating. Please turns a demand into a request. Saying thank you let’s the other party know you’re request has been completed.

  4. When we communicate → Often, when we feel something come up in our mind and/or body when we like something, want something different or if we feel disconnected. Communicating often is encouraging and a good source of feedback. Although it can feel daunting and a chore for the inexperienced. For some it may seem as if it’s taking pleasure away and distracting. Keep with it as this is a road to pleasure vs. you and your partner assuming what brings pleasure.

  5. Who communicates → Both [all] partners. When becoming partners you’ve signed up for this for the rest of your lifes. Although the receiver getting the pleasure wants to be doing ~70% of the communication while the giver is doing the other ~30%.

This seems and/or shows up like rules at times for beginners but their tools to build more intimate relationships. It also takes pressure off the giver as they are not a mind reader. Always remember orgasm isn’t the goal rather being present and experiences the peaks and valleys of intimacy. By taking expectations such as orgasm and erections off the table, you’re able to be more relaxed allowing for engorgement to occur. Allowing your biggest sexual organ [your brain] to be in a parasympathetic nervous system state.


Guide to Emotional MANAGEMENT & Boundaries
